環狀線(北段) 開発 in English


環狀線(北段) 開発 in English

投稿記事by strickerrei » 2013年1月17日(木) 18:51

For now Sakura cycle line is only available for NW to SE, part of the station and tracks is still under development in SR.

I was suggesting two station that wasn't name, as: 雪野原,剣域. Ocean station would be as the division sector between WR&SR.

It takes 3 days to check and replacing station and improvements for mostly SR rail works.

For Northern part, I suggest to build a line from NW station, through the east, to build a station before the rail leaves NW island.
Then link up with North Spawn area, which the rail line are able to build at least two more station, and recommended to be underground in land but outside as bridge sector as sea part.
Rail should link up with rails that now link up from Southern station in north islands, to the exist railway system to north east.
Station of NE,start then here, build to the south,towards eastern part, recommended two station on land between it, using the remaining exist rail, from east spawn station to eastern south terminal station, one station between, to N-E. Which is recommended to build in underground from East to East Southern terminal.

More than 100,000 of stone bricks, 50,000 stones, 25,000 rails, 5000 Redstone tracks/torches, 5000+,light sources, and 1 month to build.

This is the recommendation of the line develop.

Southern Rail builder,

SR is still under develop.
StrickerRei-Ikazuchi [HKG]
記事: 18
登録日時: 2012年11月10日(土) 01:49
お住まい: Orlando, US
Minecraft ID: strickerrei

Re: 環狀線(北段) 開発 in English

投稿記事by RU245 » 2013年1月26日(土) 01:44

英語 :D
I see. This part that you can see now to the west from "South Spawn Station" actually was builded by me. I saw that people trying to build a rail network, but the activity was soooooo slooooow. So i decided to take one part of the loop, and to build from South Spawn to South-West Spawn. It was done, in no time. Still was no activity, so i extend the line.
I extended it again and again, and now the last stop of West Rail - is a little underground terminal under North-West spawn. I call this part as "West Rail" (because esxxx28 is doing South Rail part).

Stations in West Rail that i currently serving form S till NW is:
八十稲羽駅 (Yasouinaba eki) > Ocean駅 > 雪の丘駅 > 西南区駅 > 茸島駅 > 西区駅 > 石和温泉駅 > 西山駅 > 西山の湖駅 > 北海駅 > 北西駅
Stations can be added between those, if i will see that people are building houses near the tracks.

I cannot extend anymore, so please extend this line. Also i thinking about, maybe rebuilding NW Spawn station (if there will be a place, and ideas for it).
記事: 3
登録日時: 2012年9月14日(金) 21:01
Minecraft ID: RU245

Re: 環狀線(北段) 開発 in English

投稿記事by えさ~ » 2013年1月27日(日) 17:03

station name & line name
I cant speak english...
記事: 34
登録日時: 2012年7月13日(金) 23:35
お住まい: 島取県
Minecraft ID: esxxx28

Re: 環狀線(北段) 開発 in English

投稿記事by RU245 » 2013年2月06日(水) 00:14


しかし、 :)
萱島>茸島 (Takeshima, Mushroom Island)

僕の日本語悪い。駅名前に間違いがあるなら、改称ください  ;)
My japanese is bad. If there is a mistakes in station names - please rename as you want so.
記事: 3
登録日時: 2012年9月14日(金) 21:01
Minecraft ID: RU245

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