[Denied]BAN Appeal & UnBan Request

Exact in-game name: Castio
Reason of BAN: x-ray modification. screens proof. mined ratio: 7.189% - dispute @ mcbans.com (syamn)
Length of BAN: Indefinitely
Do you feel your BAN was unjust (Yes/No): No
Staff name who banned you (Check with mcbans): syamn
Description of what happened (be specific): To be honest, I am definitely not to be forgive this time. You have warned me once in August,2012. I am appealing just for a chance for me to play in sakura server once again as my friends are all playing sakura server. Tell me what can I do to unban, I can do everything if i can go back into sakura server.
I Castio agree this my appeal is 100% truthful and I promise not to break any further rules.
Japanese Check: 日本語文字チェック避け
Reason of BAN: x-ray modification. screens proof. mined ratio: 7.189% - dispute @ mcbans.com (syamn)
Length of BAN: Indefinitely
Do you feel your BAN was unjust (Yes/No): No
Staff name who banned you (Check with mcbans): syamn
Description of what happened (be specific): To be honest, I am definitely not to be forgive this time. You have warned me once in August,2012. I am appealing just for a chance for me to play in sakura server once again as my friends are all playing sakura server. Tell me what can I do to unban, I can do everything if i can go back into sakura server.
I Castio agree this my appeal is 100% truthful and I promise not to break any further rules.
Japanese Check: 日本語文字チェック避け