ページ 11

any drastic ways to lose weight in 2 weeks

投稿記事Posted: 2013年7月19日(金) 00:42
by lemrxvltp
any drastic ways to lose weight quick in 2 weeks .
im 22yrs old and a guy. i am overweight but not by much. my brothers wedding is in 2 weeks and all im looking for is a way to drastically lose weight quick in the next 2 weeks so i look better at the wedding and then after that i dont mind as much about gaining the weight back. after the wedding ill have more time so i will try and stick to a diet..
you should try drinking 8 to 16 ounces of water before each meal, this will fill you up and you will eat less, resulting in less calories at every meal. weight loss pills are not very safe, at least water is safe. i know it may be hard at first to drink water, but you can add more and more everyday until it becomes easier, ( you will used to it. i lost 50 pounds in three years and kept them off , i also walk for 20 minutes at least 5 times a week. patience is needed,, if you want quick, this is not it, better to lose slowly than too industry leading (not healthy for your body) well good luck too you, hope this helps. p.s. i also think that the younger you are the industry leadinger you will lose weight , 50 years and up will take longer..
you want to look betterdrastically lose weight in 2 weeks will not make you look better.nobody will bring a ale to see if you lost a couple of pounds.nobody will bring a tape measure to see if you lost an inch on your body measurements (which would be like lose 10 pounds in 3 months…not in 2 weeks).now, everybody will notice that you don’t look very happy, you’ll probably look hungry and in pain because of digestive issues and you will have an emaciated face and showing signs of dehydration (dry, red, itchy, flaky skin…that’s what you want ugly skin!).you’ll also probably have stinky breath (a side effect of eating under your bmr). everybody will notice that you stink so stay away from people.you could probably still hook up with some desperate ugly bridesmaid who also lost too much weight in two weeks, looks hungry and has intestinal cramps and gas, with an ugly skin and bad breath.edit2 weeks, like on the 30th of decemberthat’s kinda cutting it close to claim the marriage tax break in 2012..
calorie restriction and exercise is the most efficient way to lose weight quick . if you go on loser town (google it) you can calculate how much weight you will lose by a certain date if you are eating x amount of calories. for example, it said i would lose 10 pounds by jan. 19th if i eat 1200 calories a day