Supplies and medicines of the


Supplies and medicines of the

投稿記事by buojfplr » 2013年6月24日(月) 18:56

[Global Times reported that United States Secretary of State Warren announced on February 28, the United States for the first time directly to the Syrian opposition to provide $ 60 million, and choose the non-weapons aid to provide military supplies and medicines, because "Syria President Bashar is outdated and must step down. " Earlier speculation that the United States might be of military technology and equipment. Russian "Pravda" U.S. officials, "This is just a matter of time." U.S. policy on Syria is a major shift will occur? This is not the herald deeper intervention action coming? When Syria war entering its third year this month, these problems are international media controversy was hot. Two years of the war has resulted in the displacement of nearly 3.5 million people in Syria, Syrias bloody conflict is deadlocked. The United States, "Christian Science Monitor" commented that if Obama to provide assistance directly to the opposition and Syria, may fall into the "rabbit hole" moral. The morally ambiguous strategy, however, is nothing new for Americans. Obama now seems to intend to try to "cover their nose diplomatic, knowing that choose to do may stink, or to try. But in view of the United States has been the self-appointed moral stand most important force in the alliance need to be careful with what. February 28, a number of countries support the Syrian opposition in Rome to hold another meeting of the Friends of Syria. Syrian political analysts said Taufik Gerrard on the "Global Times", the participating countries substantially reduced (only a dozen countries) Description willing to fewer and fewer people in Syria on the issue of "gambling".
記事: 1
登録日時: 2013年6月24日(月) 15:54
Minecraft ID: stu061

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