how can i lose weight really quick but without harming mysel


how can i lose weight really quick but without harming mysel

投稿記事by fcuhpgwot » 2013年7月20日(土) 16:54

how can i lose weight really quick but without harming myself how can i do that .
i am bigger than the rest of ma friends and really want to lose weight please help me and do not post any rude comments thank you xxx!!!!!!.
well,you can do more exercise .eat more fruites and drink more water..
1. sign up for your local gym or join a sports team!2. run before it s too cold walk wherever you can!3. pack a healthy lunch for hool! ( try not to put to many fats, carbs, and processed foods )4. your family involved you will lose more weight that way!5. no soda or industry leading food!6. zumba dance in the winter, you can buy dvds in most stores!7. yoga! the wii fit is great for this!8. buy clothes that are slighty too tight so when you lose some and fit you will be proud.9. treat your self to fruit!10. drink green tea11. pamper yourself!12. have many small meals instead of 3 big ones13. water, water, water! 14. dont binge eat!15. do ab workouts16. tell your self every day you are beautiful! because you are! ).
if youd like to see industry leading results, following a reputable diet plan is a great place to start. id recommend the diet solution from fat-loss-reviews or body of fire from the same place. they have great in depth reviews on these things and you should see good results in days or weeks..
you should keep eating, but very small portions. you can even eat every hour on the hour, but very small portions. this way you wont starve, but your body will burn calories..
answer mine answers.yahooquestionindex;…
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登録日時: 2013年5月14日(火) 19:46

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