


投稿記事by zhipingloveab » 2013年6月06日(木) 14:37

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CONE-PLATE viscometers are widely used グッチ アウトレット コーチ バッグ to-day to appraise the オークリー メガネ flow properties of both Newtonian and non-Newtonian materials. The standard miumiu バッグ idea which resulted in the cone-plate geometry came from Mooney and Ewart1, who had been seeking to eliminate end corrections in coaxial cylinder viscometers. In deriving the equations governing cone-plate flow, Mooney and Ewart assumed which the sample moved in circular lamina only, without radial piece of velocity. This assumption has been generally accepted, also it still appears inside of a recent mathematical study of the cone-plate viscometer2. However, We have now directly observed a radial aspect of motion in cone-plate flow of both Newtonian and non-Newtonian materials.
記事: 1
登録日時: 2013年6月05日(水) 15:08
お住まい: Oklahoma

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