**** Read this before you post your ban appeal ****

(Japanese)BAN解除申請の前にお読みください - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=64
(English)Read this before you post your ban appeal - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=65
Keep your message on point and straight forward, no arguing in appeals.

**** Read this before you post your ban appeal ****

投稿記事by しゃむ » 2012年7月18日(水) 19:33

Below is the format that must be used in your ban appeal.
Failure to do so will result in deletion of your ban appeal.
All appeals will be replied by yourself and our server staff. Do NOT reply to the appeal of others.

Information about your ban can be found on our server page at mcbans.com.
Check this: http://mcbans.com/server/mc.sakura-server.net/

コード: 全て選択
Exact in-game name:
Reason of BAN:
Length of BAN:
Do you feel your BAN was unjust (Yes/No):
Staff name who banned you (Check with mcbans):
Description of what happened (be specific):

[i][u]I [b](in-game name here)[/b] agree this my appeal is 100% truthful and I promise not to break any further rules.[/u][/i]

If we find that you are lying in your appeal your ban length will changed to indefinitely.

Here is what your appeal should look like:

Exact in-game name: syamn
Reason of BAN: Stealing Items from Honeychest
Length of BAN: Indefinitely
Do you feel your BAN was unjust (Yes/No): No
Staff name who banned you (Check with mcbans): [Honeychest]
Description of what happened (be specific): I didn't know that chest is honeychest and I thought chest item is for free.

I syamn agree this my appeal is 100% truthful and I promise not to break any further rules.

SakuraServer Administrator
記事: 655
登録日時: 2012年7月13日(金) 18:50
お住まい: とくしま
Minecraft ID: syamn

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