ページ 11

Selling stuff to shops

投稿記事Posted: 2012年9月28日(金) 06:03
by andrewxios
Hello I'm a new Member of "SakuraServer" (^_^)
I've got a little question, can you sell resources to shops in this server?, if yes, where?


Re: Selling stuff to shops

投稿記事Posted: 2012年9月28日(金) 08:46
by しゃむ

ServerShop Here :P (near the World new: 363, 64, 24)
http://mc.sakura-server.net/?worldname= ... &y=64&z=24

And you can tp there from warp sign on 4th floor of the spawn facility.
Warp sign
2012-09-28_08.40.47.png (96.54 KiB) 表示数: 5201 回

Regards )

Re: Selling stuff to shops

投稿記事Posted: 2012年9月28日(金) 08:53
by andrewxios
thanks ^_^
