About balance of gameplay


About balance of gameplay

投稿記事by icanhaz13ghosts » 2014年6月22日(日) 01:12

Hello, I'm new here and checking stuff out before I play on Sakura. To make sure that no one has an unfair advantage over others, are "donator" kits absent from this server? For example, a player will pay the operator $50/¥5,000 (yes, real money!) to gain access to a "god sword" or invisibility. This is known as pay2win, and I'm against that.
最後に編集したユーザー icanhaz13ghosts [ 2014年8月01日(金) 09:21 ], 累計 1 回
記事: 7
登録日時: 2014年6月22日(日) 00:06
お住まい: United States
Minecraft ID: asdfghost

Re: About balance of gameplay

投稿記事by icanhaz13ghosts » 2014年7月12日(土) 04:49

Is this forum dead or something? It's been 20 days since I created this thread, and NOBODY replied to me. I'm not sure what's going on here, but robots are not my target viewers.

(ノート: 日本語トランスレーションは正確な100%じゃない。)
記事: 7
登録日時: 2014年6月22日(日) 00:06
お住まい: United States
Minecraft ID: asdfghost

Re: About balance of gameplay

投稿記事by 凍トマト » 2014年7月12日(土) 15:24

Hello, I'm server staff, koritomato. We're terribly sorry for the late reply. This forum is not active but it's not dead either, just like a zombie.
Apart from joking. Although we certainly accept donations, we NEVER give donators any superior authority or items because we also consider "Pay to Win" on a online game unfair.
We hope you will enjoy our server, thanks.
記事: 15
登録日時: 2012年7月13日(金) 23:07
お住まい: 福島
Minecraft ID: Koritomato

Re: About balance of gameplay

投稿記事by icanhaz13ghosts » 2014年7月24日(木) 10:09

Oh wow, I can't believe I somewhat revived the forum, but thanks for the info Koritomato! I guess I'll come onto the server later this week when I have time.
EDIT (7月30日): Meh, forget what I said. I don't know when I'll come on. I have a lot of college work to do, and I need to focus on that.

(ノート: 日本語トランスレーションは正確な100%じゃない。)
記事: 7
登録日時: 2014年6月22日(日) 00:06
お住まい: United States
Minecraft ID: asdfghost

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